Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tinker Bell & the Lost Treasure

I had an order for a Tinkerbell cake for little girl named Sarienna. My daughter Penny is one of her friends & was invited to the party. I wanted the cake to be really cool, so I chose to do Tinkerbell's air balloon from Tinker Bell & the lost Treasure movie.
 I made Stargazer lilies for the base of the cake. I wanted to make the structure of the cake look like the balloon was floating over a field of giant flowers. I figured that the lilies would be the perfect flower, they were big & very girlie.
 The lilies on the cake.
 For the air balloon, I made the ship out of gum paste and let it dry. I made a ball cake and filled & covered it with white fondant & let it dry. My Penny & Melody helped me make pixie dust bags, a compass & an anchor to embellish the air boat.
Tinkerbell & her friend Terrance on the air boat floating over the field of lilies.

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